All Cows Go To Heaven, Bolick Farms Boone, North Carolina

Artists Statement
All Cows Go To Heaven is a documentary project focusing on the duties of Ben Bolick, the owner of Bolick Farms in Boone, North Carolina. Ben’s family has a long history in the Watauga County area and comes from generations of cow business, from dairy to beef production. It's hard for many to justify problems that plague the beef industry, from its environmental effects, to its questionable animal rights morality. Despite this, there is still a demand for beef in America as well as an increased demand for meat that is ethically raised and regionally produced.
The images depict Bolick’s pastures, the company's local supply chain relationships, and Bolick's evolvement in the church, all while documenting the cow’s journey from pasture to plate. Supply chain relations include The Watauga County Food Hub, which provides critical freezer space for Bolick’s beef in addition to selling his products directly to consumers through their e-commerce platform. Ben provides ground beef to two restaurants in the Boone area, one of which is Booneshine Brewery, who in partial return, donates their discarded malted barley to feed the cattle. Midway through the narrative a conceptual lingering takes place in respect of all cows lost in beef production, reminding the viewer that, ultimately the creatures are innocent beings and there fore must go to heaven. Ben takes pride in the business he's built and respects the creatures he’s raised. Bolick has integrated his passion for christ into his Farm as shown on his packaging where “Psalm 104:14” is featured, it goes as follows “He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate—bringing forth food from the earth” (The Bible, a long time ago BCE).
By showcasing Ben’s hard working nature, community relations through the church, and cyclical relationship with Booneshine brewery, All Cows go to Heaven inspires the beefeaters of Boone to choose the holy and humane option that Bolick Farms brings to the table.
Hidden Happiness Bee Farm Deep Gap, North Carolina

Swim Watauga Recreation Center